PipeFuser GeoThermal Tools

Technical Info

General Instructions for Socket Fusion

1 - Remove the socket fusion tool from the box. Fold out the fork stand and position the tool on a flat surface.
2 - Remove the desired heater adapters using the hex key provided.
3 - Mount the heater adapters onto the fusion tool at one of the available holes.
4 - Power the unit and set the thermostat to the temperature specified for the pipe/fitting material to be fused.
(This is typically around 500 F for HDPE; consult the supplier for the recommended value).
Ensure that the adapters reach the proper temperature by allowing the unit to be idle for at least 5 minutes.
5 - Chamfer the outer edge of the pipe end slightly. Insert the chamfered end of the pipe into the depth gauge tool. Mount the cold ring (available separately) on the pipe right behind the depth gauge, clamp it.
(Note: The depth gauge tool and the chamfering tool may be combined into a single tool, which is available separately).
6 - Insert the pipe into the female heater adapter, with the adapter held against the cold ring.
7 - Insert the fitting onto the male heater adapter, with the fitting held against the back of the adapter.
8 - Hold the pipe and fitting in place against the heater adapters for the duration of the heating time recommended by the pipe/fitting supplier varies by material type and pipe size. Guideline values are in the table below.
9 - At the end of the heating time, promptly remove the pipe and the fitting off the adapters and perform a quick inspection of the melt patterns on the parts, to see whether there is an incomplete pattern, in which case stop the procedure.
10 - Immediately insert the pipe squarely into the fitting so that the cold ring is flush against the end of the fitting. Maintain pressure on the fusion during the supplier-recommended cooling time.
11 - Perform a visual inspection on the fusion after removing the cold ring.

Guideline Values for Socket Fusion Time Cycles


Pipe Size

Black Geo Pipe Heating Time (s)

Black Geo Pipe Cooling
Time (s)

Yellow Gas Pipe Heating Time (s)

Yellow Gas Pipe Cooling
Time (s)

3/4" IPS

12 - 14


8 - 10


1" IPS

14 - 16


10 - 12


1-1/4" IPS

18 - 20


12 - 14


1-1/2" IPS

18 - 20


12 - 14


2" IPS

22 - 26


16 - 20


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