PipeFuser GeoThermal Tools


To help our customers realize the benefits of our PIPEFUSER branded line of fusion products where quality, price and functionality converge to make them excellent choices to add to their complement of tools for plastic pipe welding, serving various industries.


GeoThermal Tools, Inc. was incorporated in New Jersey in March of 2009, adopting the trademarked PIPEFUSER name for its line of products designed to heat-weld plastic pipe for various applications where fusible pipe such as HDPE, MDPE, PP, PPRC, PVDF, FPVC are used

We are a family-owned small business with a team of engineers on its board, with expertise in plastics.  The company designs most of its products, with assembly done in-house.

The company started with the marketing of a single hand-held socket fusion tool. Now the portfolio encompasses Socket Fusion, Butt Fusion, Electrofusion equipment and accessories.

Our customers span a wide spectrum, to include plumbers, heating/cooling contractors, mechanical contractors, electrical contractors, water well drillers, geothermal system installers, gas line (distribution, service, back yard) installers, company utility maintenance departments and electric utilities.

Our machines are known for their high quality, innovative features and reasonable prices.  Product improvement is a continuous process, based on feedback from our customers.

We pride ourselves in being service-oriented and are always willing to help our customers put the tools they get from us to best use, based on their particular needs. We thank them for their trust in us over the years.

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